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Win match tickets to watch Scotland play at Hampden!

Fancy winning 4 x tickets to the Hampden matches to watch the Scotland National Team? We’ll be choosing two lucky winners to win a money-can’t-buy fan experience with the Scottish National Team.

Enter for your chance to win seats for you and 3 friends for either the Scotland vs Cyprus game on the 25th March orĀ  Scotland vs Spain game on 28th March as well as a signed Scotland top.

You have until 12pm on the 24th March 2023 to enter – just fill in your details below.

Full terms and conditions here. Read our privacy policy here.

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To enter competition please enter your details on the form above before the end of the promotional period.

Entries posted after the close of the promotion will not be accepted.

The competition will run until 12pm on the 24th March 2023.

You will be entered into a prize draw to win tickets for yourself and three friends to one of this years Scotland's home games at Hampden.

The prize also includes 1 x signed Scotland top.